Results for 'Lawrence Arthur Cremin'

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  1. Institution animal care and use committees need greater ethical diversity.Lawrence Arthur Hansen - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (3):188-190.
    Next SectionIn response to public outrage stemming from exposés of animal abuse in research laboratories, the US Congress in 1985 mandated Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees (IACUCs) to oversee animal use at institutions receiving federal grants. IACUCs were enjoined to respect public concern about the treatment of animals in research, but they were not specifically instructed whether or not to perform ethical cost-benefit analyses of animal research protocols that IACUCs have chosen, with approval contingent upon a balancing of animal (...)
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    Reply to Frederic Lilge and Myron Lieberman.Lawrence A. Cremin - 1961 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 2 (1):71-72.
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    Oppression and Liberty.Lawrence Crocker, Simone Weil, Arthur Wills, John Petrie & F. C. Ellert - 1975 - Philosophical Review 84 (2):300.
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    Journal of Moral Education referees in 2007.James Arthur, Mickey Bebeau, Roger Bergman, Lawrence Blum, Tonia Bock, Sandra Bosacki, Daan Brugman, Neil Burtonwood, David Carr & Kaye Cook - 2008 - Journal of Moral Education 37 (2):275-277.
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    American Education: The Colonial Experience, 1607-1783.H. M. Knox & Lawrence A. Cremin - 1973 - British Journal of Educational Studies 21 (2):227.
  6.  15
    The Role of Ethical Decision-Making Frameworks in Education and Practice for Professional Accountants.Lawrence P. Kalbers & Arthur Gross-Schaefer - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 15:99-132.
    In the aftermath of the accounting scandals of the early 2000s, the accounting profession experienced increased legislation and rules regulating ethical behavior of professional accountants and accounting firms. This paper considers ethics education for professional accountants (particularly Certified Public Accountants (CPAs)) and concludes that there is a need for a broader, principles-based approach to continuing professional ethics (CPE) in the United States. This conclusion is supported by the recent trend toward principles-based global ethics standards and a review of the current (...)
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  7. (1 other version)Embodied Cognition.Lawrence A. Shapiro - 2010 - New York: Routledge.
    Embodied cognition often challenges standard cognitive science. In this outstanding introduction, Lawrence Shapiro sets out the central themes and debates surrounding embodied cognition, explaining and assessing the work of many of the key figures in the field, including George Lakoff, Alva Noë, Andy Clark, and Arthur Glenberg. Beginning with an outline of the theoretical and methodological commitments of standard cognitive science, Shapiro then examines philosophical and empirical arguments surrounding the traditional perspective. He introduces topics such as dynamic systems (...)
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    Journal of Moral Education referees in 2009.Hanife Akar, Wolfgang Althof, James Arthur, Annice Barber, Roger Bergman, Marvin Berkowitz, Thomas Bienengräber, Lawrence Blum, Tonia Bock & Sandra Bosacki - 2010 - Journal of Moral Education 39 (2):263-266.
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    Sir Arthur Eddington, man of science and mystic.Lawrence Pearsall Jacks - 1949 - Cambridge [Eng.]: University Press.
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    Ethics and Practices in Journalism. Arthur F. Henning.Lawrence Martin - 1932 - International Journal of Ethics 43 (1):82-83.
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    Community partnered participatory research in southeast louisiana communities threatened by climate change: The c-learn experience.Benjamin F. Springgate, Olivia Sugarman, Kenneth B. Wells, Lawrence A. Palinkas, Diana Meyers, Ashley Wennerstrom, Arthur Johnson, Catherine Haywood, Daniel Sarpong & Richard Culbertson - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (10):46-48.
    Community Partnered Participatory Research is grounded in the ethical principle of respect for persons participating in the research enterprise. The critical importance of respect for person...
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  12. Islam, Judaism, and Zoroastrianism.Navras Jaat Aafreedi, Raihanah Abdullah, Zuraidah Abdullah, Iqbal S. Akhtar, Blain Auer, Jehan Bagli, Parvez M. Bajan, Carole A. Barnsley, Michael Bednar, Clinton Bennett, Purushottama Bilimoria, Leila Chamankhah, Jamsheed K. Choksy, Golam Dastagir, Albert De Jong, Amanullah De Sondy, Arthur Dudney, Janis Esots, Ilyse R. Morgenstein Fuerst, Jonathan Goldstein, Rebecca Ruth Gould, Thomas K. Gugler, Vivek Gupta, Andrew Halladay, Sowkot Hossain, A. R. M. Imtiyaz, Brannon Ingram, Ayesha A. Irani, Barbara C. Johnson, Ramiyar P. Karanjia, Pasha M. Khan, Shenila Khoja-Moolji, Søren Christian Lassen, Riyaz Latif, Bruce B. Lawrence, Joel Lee, Matthew Long, Iik A. Mansurnoor, Anubhuti Maurya, Sharmina Mawani, Seyed Mohamed Mohamed Mazahir, Mohamed Mihlar, Colin P. Mitchell, Yasien Mohamed, A. Azfar Moin, Rafiqul Islam Molla, Anjoom Mukadam, Faiza Mushtaq, Sajjad Nejatie, James R. Newell, Moin Ahmad Nizami, Michael O’Neal, Erik S. Ohlander, Jesse S. Palsetia, Farid Panjwani & Rooyintan Pesh Peer - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    The earlier volume in this series dealt with two religions of Indian origin, namely, Buddhism and Jainism. The Indian religious scene, however, is characterized by not only religions which originated in India but also by religions which entered India from outside India and made their home here. Thus religious life in India has been enlivened throughout its history by the presence of religions of foreign origin on its soil almost from the very time they came into existence. This volume covers (...)
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    In Search of Humanity: Essays in Honor of Clifford Orwin.Ryan Balot, Timothy W. Burns, Paul A. Cantor, Brent Edwin Cusher, Donald Forbes, Steven Forde, Bryan-Paul Frost, Kenneth Hart Green, Ran Halévi, L. Joseph Hebert, Henry Higuera, Robert Howse, S. N. Jaffe, Michael S. Kochin, Noah Lawrence, Mark J. Lutz, Arthur M. Melzer, Jeffrey Metzger, Miguel Morgado, Waller R. Newell, Michael Palmer, Lorraine Smith Pangle, Thomas L. Pangle, Marc F. Plattner, William B. Parsons, Linda R. Rabieh, Andrea Radasanu, Michael Rosano, Diana J. Schaub, Susan Meld Shell & Nathan Tarcov (eds.) - 2015 - Lexington Books.
    This collection of essays, offered in honor of the distinguished career of prominent political philosophy professor Clifford Orwin, brings together internationally renowned scholars to provide a wide context and discuss various aspects of the virtue of “humanity” through the history of political philosophy.
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    Editors' Introduction.Peter Atterton & Sean Lawrence - 2022 - Levinas Studies 16 (1):1-6.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Editors’ Introduction“Between the Bible and the Philosophers”: ShakespearePeter Atterton (bio) and Sean Lawrence (bio)It is not clear when Levinas first read Shakespeare, but we do have some clues. The first complete translation of Shakespeare’s works into Russian, Levinas’s mother tongue, appeared between 1865 and 1868. These volumes doubtless graced the shelves of his family’s bookstore in Kovno (now Kaunas), in Lithuania, then part of the Russian empire. Kovno (...)
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    "The genius of american education" by Lawrence A. Cremin.Morris I. Berger - 1966 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 5 (1):46.
  16. The american philosophical association eastern division: Abstracts of papers to be read at the fifty-fourth annual meeting, Harvard university, december 27-29, 1957. [REVIEW]John W. Lenz, Paul Oskar Kristeller, Willis Doney, Norman Kretzmann, Colin Murray Turbayne, Arthur Pap, E. M. Adams, T. A. Goudge, Edward H. Madden, Rudolf Allers, Hans Jonas, Lawrence W. Beals, Philip Nochlin, Ethel M. Albert, Mary Mothersill, John W. Blyth, Hector N. Castañeda, Milton C. Nahm & Joseph Margolis - 1957 - Journal of Philosophy 54 (24):773-794.
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    "The transformation of the school" by Lawrence A. Cremin.Frederic Lilge - 1961 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 2 (1):63.
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    2014 John Dewey Lecture: Does Evidence Matter?Diane Ravitch - 2015 - Education and Culture 31 (1):3.
    Thank you for inviting me to speak today.John Dewey and I have had a long and occasionally contentious friendship. He taught me to think critically, and it is a habit I cannot get rid of. For that, I thank him. More than a dozen years ago, I gave a book talk at Teachers College, where I had been a professor for nearly twenty years. When I finished, Arthur Levine, who was then president of TC, got up and said incredulously, (...)
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  19. Reviews : Michael G. Johnson and Tracy B. Henley (eds), Reflections on 'The Principles of Psychology': William James after a century, Hove: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1990, £36.00, xx + 323 pp. [REVIEW]Arthur Still - 1991 - History of the Human Sciences 4 (3):448-449.
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    Abridged too far. Book review'Marx's Capital: A Student Edition', edited and introduced by Christopher J. Arthur. London: Lawrence and Wishart, 1992. [REVIEW]W. Maley - 1994 - Radical Philosophy 67:53-54.
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    Mad Men and Pop Art.Sue Spaid - 2021 - In Lydia Goehr & Jonathan Gilmore, A Companion to Arthur C. Danto. Hoboken: Wiley. pp. 317–325.
    This chapter explores Pop Art's significance for Arthur Danto's philosophy of art. It looks at the views of British curator Lawrence Alloway, Danto's immediate predecessor at the Nation. In 1974, Alloway defined the core of Pop Art as “essentially, an art about [emphasis mine] signs and sign‐systems”. Danto characterized artworks as the kinds of things that prompt philosophizing, a point that proves especially helpful when attempting to discern art‐cars, art‐cheese, art‐billboards, and art‐photographs from mere things. By 1973, Danto (...)
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    Empire: An Analytical Category for Educational Research.Roland Sintos Coloma - 2013 - Educational Theory 63 (6):639-658.
    In this article Roland Sintos Coloma argues for the relevance of empire as an analytical category in educational research. He points out the silence in mainstream studies of education on the subject of empire, the various interpretive approaches to deploying empire as an analytic, and the importance of indigeneity in research on empire and education. Coloma examines three award-winning books, Lawrence Cremin's The Transformation of the School: Progressivism in American Education, 1876–1957, John Willinsky's Learning to Divide the World: (...)
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  23.  15
    What comes after post/modern peace education?Hilary Cremin - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (14):1551-1552.
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    Violence in Schools: Perspectives (and hope) from Galtung and Buber.Hilary Cremin & Alexandre Guilherme - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (11).
    Research into violence in schools has been growing steadily at an international level, and has shown high degrees of violence at various different levels. Given the seriousness of the problem, finding ways of responding to this issue in schools becomes an imperative for educationists. In this article, we engage with this problem by defending the view that whilst violence might be endemic in schools, there are also real possibilities for working towards different ways of being in relationship in schools. Firstly, (...)
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    Three Thinkers on Television, Schools, the Family, and Public Discourse.Robert Leone & Peter Goldstone - 1998 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 18 (3):160-173.
    The authors examine the conceptual frameworks and substantive ideas of three authors, Lawrence Cremin, Neil Postman and Christopher Lasch, all of whom view technologies as educators. The authors focus on the television as educator and exposit these thinkers' views about relations between television's education and the education of schools, families and communities. The broader social significance involves an examination of the extent to which television's education impoverishes public discourse, the lifeblood of democracy; and the extent to which television's (...)
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    Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Restorative Justice: Developing Insights for Education.Hilary Cremin, Edward Sellman & Gillean McCluskey - 2012 - British Journal of Educational Studies 60 (4):421-437.
    This article takes restorative justice as an example of an initiative that crosses disciplinary boundaries, and that has been usefully applied within educational contexts. Grounded in criminology, restorative justice also has roots in psychology, education, sociology, peace studies, philosophy and law. The article draws on an ESRC funded seminar series which investigated interdisciplinary perspectives on restorative justice and their applicability to education. The series found that the ways in which restorative justice is conceptualised and applied varies according to disciplinary norms (...)
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  27.  35
    Maintaining underclasses via contrastive judgement: Can inclusive education ever happen?Hilary Cremin & Gary Thomas - 2005 - British Journal of Educational Studies 53 (4):431-446.
    Borrowing from epidemiological and economic analysis, we argue that the central constructs by which children are judged educationally rest in contrastive judgements and that such judgements are based on 'everyday' constructs - not objective descriptors. But because these everyday constructs become seemingly objectified by the procedures and discourses of education, they appear reliable and objective. The insistent process of contrastive judgement based on these everyday constructs has its result in cohorts of children forever being judged unfavourably next to others. A (...)
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  28.  45
    Newer Ethical Problems in Medicine and Surgery.P. F. Cremin - 1954 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 4:130-131.
  29. The Hungriest Narrative: Devouring Mother Ireland.Kathy Cremin - 1998 - In John Arnold, Kate Davies & Simon Ditchfield, History and heritage: consuming the past in contemporary culture. Donhead St. Mary, Shaftesbury: Donhead. pp. 141--153.
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    Peace education and peace education research: Toward a concept of poststructural violence and second-order reflexivity.Kevin Kester & Hilary Cremin - 2017 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 49 (14):1415-1427.
    Peace and conflict studies education has grown significantly in the last 30 years, mainly in Higher Education. This article critically analyzes the ways in which this field might be subject to poststructural critique, and posits Bourdieusian second-order reflexivity as a means of responding to these critiques. We propose here that theory-building within PACS education is often limited by the dominance of Galtung and Freire, and that, while the foundational ideas of positive and negative peace, structural and cultural violence, conscientization, reflexivity (...)
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  31. The philosophy of science.David Papineau (ed.) - 1996 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The newest addition to the successful Oxford Readings in Philosophy series, this collection contains the most important contributions to the recent debate on the philosophy of science. The contributors crystallize the often heated arguments of the last two decades, assessing the skeptical attitudes within philosophy of science and the counter-challenges of the scientific realists. Contributors include Nancy Cartwright, Brian Ellis, Arthur Fine, Clark Glymour, Larry Laudan, Peter Lipton, Alan Musgrave, Wesely C. Salmon, Lawrence Sklar, Bas C. van Fraassen, (...)
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    The Legacy of the Enlightenment.James Schmidt - 2002 - Philosophy and Literature 26 (2):432-442.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 26.2 (2002) 432-442 [Access article in PDF] The Legacy of the Enlightenment James Schmidt What's Left of Enlightenment? A Postmodern Question, edited by Keith Michael Baker and Peter Hanns Reill; ix & 203 pp. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, $45.00 cloth, $19.95 paper. Postmodernism and the Enlightenment: New Perspectives in Eighteenth-Century French Intellectual History, edited by Daniel Gordon; vi & 227 pp. New York: Routledge, 2001, (...)
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    The Sesqui centenary.[Address given at Santa Sabina, Strathfield, NSW on the occasion of the celebration of the All Hallows Sesquicentennial, 6 Apr 1997]. [REVIEW]David Cremin - 1997 - The Australasian Catholic Record 74 (3):352.
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    Men and Women of Parapsychology, Personal Reflections, Esprit Volume 2 edited by Rosemarie Pilkington.Michael Potts - 2014 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 27 (4).
    In recent years a number of books have been published that offer short autobiographical essays of academics, focusing on their research and how their life history affected their scholarly development. These could be labeled as "intellectual journey narratives." Some volumes focus on philosophers and their religious faith or lack thereof (e.g., Clark, 1997, Antony, 2007). Psychology has its own version of the intellectual journey narrative, in T. S. Krawiec's (1972, 1974, 1978) multivolume set of autobiographical essays by contemporary psychologists. In (...)
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    Learning to (Dis)Engage? The Socialising Experiences of Young People Living in Areas of Socio-Economic Disadvantage.Carolynne Mason, Hilary Cremin, Paul Warwick & Tom Harrison - 2011 - British Journal of Educational Studies 59 (4):421-437.
    Young people are increasingly required to demonstrate civic engagement in their communities and help deliver the aspirations of localism and Big Society. Using an ecological systems approach this paper explores the experiences of different groups of young people living in areas of socio-economic disadvantage. Using volunteering as an example of civic engagement it is shown that barriers and motivators for young people stem from within the micro, meso, exo and macrosystems, and that these interact with each other, and with bio-psychological (...)
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    Maudemarie Clark, Nietzsche on Ethics and Politics, New York: Oxford University Press, 2015, x+318 hlm.Yulius Tandyanto - 2016 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 15 (2):209-214.
    Maudemarie Clark adalah salah satu dari sekian akademisi yang cukup tekun menggeluti teks-teks Nietzsche dalam 20 tahun terakhir ini. Buku pertamanya berjudul Nietzsche on Truth and Philosophy juga diterbitkan oleh Oxford University Press pada tahun 1990. Sejak saat itu, Clark sering menuliskan kajian-kajiannya mengenai Nietzsche pada berbagai antologi buku maupun jurnal, termasuk Journal of Nietzsche Studies (New York: Penn State University Press). Salah satu kekhasan pendekatan Clark adalah pendekatan kombinasinya yang bercorak analitis. Ia menamakannya kombinasi karena ia mengambil unsur-unsur pendekatan (...)
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  37. Lawrence Lacambra Ypil Poems.Lawrence Lacambra Ypil - 2008 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 12 (2).
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  38. The Philosophy of time.Robin Le Poidevin & Murray MacBeath (eds.) - 1993 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This volume provides a balanced set of reviews which introduce the central topics in the philosophy of time. This is the first introductory anthology on the subject to appear for many years; the contributors are distinguished, and two of the essays are specially written for this collection. In their introduction, the editors summarize the background to the debate, and show the relevance of issues in the philosophy of time for other branches of philosophy and for science. Contributors include J.M.E. McTaggart, (...)
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    The agent intellect in Rahner and Aquinas.R. M. Burns - 1988 - Heythrop Journal 29 (4):423–449.
    Book reviewed in this article: The Philosophical Assessment of Theology: Essays in Honour of Frederick C. Copleston. Edited by Gerard J. Hughes. Language, Meaning and God: Essays in Honour of Herbert McCabe OP. Edited by Brian Davies. God Matters. By Herbert McCabe. Philosophies of History: A Critical Essay. By Rolf Gruner. The ‘Phaedo’: A Platonic Labyrinth. By Ronna Burger. Lessing's ‘Ugly Ditch’: A Study of Theology and History. By Gordon E. Michalson, Jr. Peirce. By Christopher Hookway. Frege: Tradition and Influence. (...)
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  40. Donne, John-Lawrence Beaston (essay date winter 1999).Lawrence Beaston - 1999 - Renascence: Essays on Values in Literature 60 (2):95-109.
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    Handbook of Research and Policy in Art Education (review).Charles M. Dorn - 2006 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 40 (1):111-120.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Handbook of Research and Policy in Art EducationCharles M. DornHandbook of Research and Policy in Art Education, edited by Elliot Eisner and Michael Day. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2004, 879 pp., $90.00 paper.The Handbook of Research and Policy in Art Education is an 875-page compendium of articles addressing nearly every conceivable issue in the field and is, if nothing else, a valuable tour de force for any (...)
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  42.  57
    Joseph S. Miller Lawrence S. Moss.Lawrence S. Moss - 2001 - Studia Logica 68:1-37.
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    Style and the Mole: Domestic aesthetics in the wind in the willows.Seth Lerer - 2009 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 43 (2):pp. 51-63.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Style and the Mole: Domestic Aesthetics in The Wind in the WillowsSeth Lerer (bio)Writing to her husband’s first illustrator, Graham Robertson, in 1931, Elspeth Grahame thanked him for the gift of his recently published memoirs. She called them “entrancing” and goes on to note: “The touch is so light yet so sure that whatever the subject the reading of it would be full of pleasure to any lover of (...)
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  44.  29
    G and S go fishing.Lawrence E. Marks - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (2):282-283.
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    Transformation of Hearts and Minds: Chan Zen--Catholic Approaches to Precepts.Harry Lee Wells - 2005 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 25 (1):155-156.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Transformation of Hearts and Minds:Chan Zen-Catholic Approaches to PreceptsHarry L. WellsCatholic and Buddhist priests, monastics, teachers, and community leaders participated in the second of an anticipated four annual dialogues. The series is sponsored by the Dharma Realm Buddhist Association, the San Francisco Zen Center, and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). The conference took place 4–7 March 2004 at Mercy Center in Burlingame, CA, whose own East-West (...)
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  46. The Mind Incarnate.Lawrence A. Shapiro - 2004 - MIT Press.
    Shapiro tests these hypotheses against two rivals, the mental constraint thesis and the embodied mind thesis. Collecting evidence from a variety of sources (e.g., neuroscience, evolutionary theory, and embodied cognition) he concludes that the multiple realizability thesis, accepted by most philosophers as a virtual truism, is much less obvious than commonly assumed, and that there is even stronger reason to give up the separability thesis. In contrast to views of mind that tempt us to see the mind as simply being (...)
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  47.  98
    Good Lives: Prolegomena*: LAWRENCE C. BECKER.Lawrence C. Becker - 1992 - Social Philosophy and Policy 9 (2):15-37.
    A philosophical essay under this title faces severe rhetorical challenges. New accounts of the good life regularly and rapidly turn out to be variations of old ones, subject to a predictable range of decisive objections. Attempts to meet those objections with improved accounts regularly and rapidly lead to a familiar impasse — that while a life of contemplation, or epicurean contentment, or stoic indifference, or religious ecstasy, or creative rebellion, or self-actualization, or many another thing might count as a good (...)
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  48. Dr Lawrence's acceptance speech: Australia's Indigenous heritage.Carmen Lawrence - 2015 - Australian Humanist, The 119:2.
    Lawrence, Carmen Why should we protect our heritage? In the broadest sense our heritage is what we inherit; it's what we value of that inheritance and what we decide to keep and protect for future generations. Heritage is both global enough to encompass our shock at the destruction of the Buddhas of Bamiyan in Afghanistan and as local as our own sepia-tinted family photographs. Everything which our predecessors have bequeathed, both tangible and intangible, may be called heritage - landscapes, (...)
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  49. Functionalism and absent qualia.Lawrence H. Davis - 1982 - Philosophical Studies 41 (March):231-49.
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    Lawrence Kilbourne -- political technics/technological politics: MIRVs dangerous agenda.Lawrence Kilbourne - 1984 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 10 (3-4):107-121.
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